It had me going until this: "Todd said the take-over plan involved economic breakdown where even Illuminati companies went broke. They have the means to survive such a catastrophe. He says Phillip de Rothschild gave the plan to his mistress Ayn Rand for her novel /"Atlas Shrugged.""
"Ayn Rand is evil pretending to be enlightenment."
Pure crap. "Atlas Shrugged" exposed how the Cabal operates 70 years ago, and did so in a fictional form so as to not be bound up by real-word propaganda.
It's why, if you've read it, you're already "pre"-redpilled.
No. Alex really was a spook-kid. Like all the loud-mouth shock-jocks, his job was to distract you from what was really going on. Alex would say they're doing this and this and this, but always avoid mention of the that (with "that" being what they cared about most, and the various "this"es peppered with enough half-falsehoods to be easily discreditable).
Rand highlighted the philosophy the cabal operated under. For example, all the foundation trust and charitable money-laundering going on is immediately obvious to those who've read her material.
The cabal hated Rand, of course, which is why smearing her has been a cottage industry for over fifty years, and a right-of-passage for critterlings climbing the ladder. (It was easy to spot the so-called conservative RINOs of their day, such as William F. Buckley, who outed themselves by crapping on her.)
It had me going until this: "Todd said the take-over plan involved economic breakdown where even Illuminati companies went broke. They have the means to survive such a catastrophe. He says Phillip de Rothschild gave the plan to his mistress Ayn Rand for her novel /"Atlas Shrugged.""
...which is loony crap.
That's actually what reminded me to post this.
Someone else had an Ayn Rand quote and it inspired me to make this post.
Ayn Rand is evil pretending to be enlightenment.
"Ayn Rand is evil pretending to be enlightenment."
Pure crap. "Atlas Shrugged" exposed how the Cabal operates 70 years ago, and did so in a fictional form so as to not be bound up by real-word propaganda.
It's why, if you've read it, you're already "pre"-redpilled.
Oh like Alex Jones before his time?
No. Alex really was a spook-kid. Like all the loud-mouth shock-jocks, his job was to distract you from what was really going on. Alex would say they're doing this and this and this, but always avoid mention of the that (with "that" being what they cared about most, and the various "this"es peppered with enough half-falsehoods to be easily discreditable).
Rand highlighted the philosophy the cabal operated under. For example, all the foundation trust and charitable money-laundering going on is immediately obvious to those who've read her material.
The cabal hated Rand, of course, which is why smearing her has been a cottage industry for over fifty years, and a right-of-passage for critterlings climbing the ladder. (It was easy to spot the so-called conservative RINOs of their day, such as William F. Buckley, who outed themselves by crapping on her.)