In the eyes of the satanic cabal I bet they love him corrupting the youth and mocking God.
But that act of himself replacing satan is considered highly blasphemous act for the real practicing satanists that are trying to usher in the antichrist system.
We sometimes see antifa larping against their funders and now we see pride filled confused individuals forwarding the antichrist while larping against him for their own pride.
They really can't help themselves.
Satan will absolutely let you believe you can dethrone him and rule in hell.
He'll tell you anything you want to hear.
There are largely two divergent camps of satanists. One group believe in otherworldly entities such as demons and such. They practice occult rituals in attempt to bridge the gap between worlds etc. The other group does not believe in such beings. They laugh at how ridiculous it all seems. They believe in science. This group does not believe there is a God and therefore any being named Satan either. Their lack of belief in any of this is largely what encourages their philosophy of embracing mans carnal desires. They believe man is still part animal, and therefore it is only the natural order to in a sense ‘Do what thou wilt.’
People in that second category are called "feral" and it suits very well. But applicable to anyone, Satanist or not, who answers only to the beckonings of the body's hungers, basing most actions on those things, and maybe ignores their own intuition. Even with spiritual beliefs, whether pagan or traditional, a lot of people in this world are hedonistic. Great fun, until they realize they are not invincible and are harmed by their shit decisions and will not be young sexy beasts forever.
Yes. Unfortunately, the portal for conjuring demons of all sorts, was (supposedly) "opened" by some specific event, in modern history, not ancient days. I don't remember what it was though. And the demon-loving version of Satanists, did conjure, requesting the presence and assistance of demons on this Earth be increased. Ugh.
Perhaps Mr. Crowley's abandoned workings at the old mansion near Loch Ness.
After he kills Satan, he is shown becoming a Dark Angel, with glowing red eyes. In other words, Luciferian. Talk about freaking confusing the children this fuckface says are his audience. This guy is as dangerously evil as is imaginable right now.