For the record, I don't believe a word of the George Floyd LARP.
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Wait until the cause of death is revealed at the trial....George died of an overdose of meth and fentanyl....the officers actions DID NOT cause the death of Floyd!! And BOOM....there goes Minneapolis, St. Louis, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Chitcongo and several others. Ask yourself why OJ was acquitted? LA couldn't afford another Rodney King riot....If the mayors of these cities and Governors do not get out in front of this with Massive Police and NG presence....It's game over for these cities....they will be burnt to a crisp, and who's gonna pay for the re-build?
The mayors of those cities will be on the side of the domestic terrorist. We will pay for the new cities (actually us and the next several generations). I am quite sure its already been addressed in the 4th stimulus bill. Its under the section "Human Infrastructure".