He is a man of the people! Says what we are all thinking. These are classics ... can't wait for his return and more pithy commentary! We miss you GEOTUS, please come back soon.
I always said it was “Greatest Ever”, not “God Emperor”. But REEEEEEEEEeeeegardless, tell us how you really feel. Meanwhile, I’ll do as I please, thank you very much.
The last one is the best!
Oh man, these are so good.
The Barney Frank one tho ?????
Lol Indeed
My favorite. I crack up every time.
He is a man of the people! Says what we are all thinking. These are classics ... can't wait for his return and more pithy commentary! We miss you GEOTUS, please come back soon.
Greatest hits!!
I wonder if there’s an archive of all his tweets? I didn’t realize how savage our man was. Twatter ain’t shit without him.
Gab has an entire backup of GEOTUS’ Twitter.
Hell yeah
He’s a legend ???
Truly. And BIGLY.
I guess Putin did attend the Miss Universe Pageant... but seriously Trump is amazing.
Facts over feelings. Trump Won Trump loves America.
I love Trump tweets.
I always said it was “Greatest Ever”, not “God Emperor”. But REEEEEEEEEeeeegardless, tell us how you really feel. Meanwhile, I’ll do as I please, thank you very much.
Kinda takes the overinflated blasphemy out of it. Sorry for yelling, good day to you sir.