I live in a dictator state and I’ve found a few stores that I can comfortably go into without a mask. Please add the businesses you know of too!
- Homegoods/TJ maxx/Marshall’s - simply say you have a medical condition
- Home Depot - safe, employees don’t say anything
- Target - safe, employees don’t say anything
Do you have high cholesterol? and did you know before? Were you taking any drugs if so?
I do/did have high cholesterol. Been on statins for years. Numbers were normal. Blockage was still building.
Yikes. Good to know thanks. I have genetically "high" cholesterol usually 220-240 total. Don't want to take statins as they make my muscles and bones hurt so much I can't sleep. Trying to avoid any problems without taking meds!
That's pretty high for cholesterol. My last test in Feb had me at 135 for cholesterol. I was on fenofibrate and simvistatin and had all sorts of joint/muscle/ligament problems. Switched over to rouvastatin 6 months ago and almost all of those related issues went away. You should eat as much dark leafy greens and fiber (oatmeal) as possible. You should also go get a calcium heart scan. Non invasive and checks for hard (not soft) plaque. They are cheap to get and most insurance does not cover it (<200.00). It would be well worth the peace of mind to do so.
Sounds like the calcium scan would be worth it even if clear, if for peace of mind only.
I had a good streak of oatmeal every morning for awhile but I think it just got too bland over time. I will get back on that horse though as it beats the alternative. So many of the instant ones that taste good have too much sugar which just causes inflammation which causes my body to produce more cholesterol!