They have removed all mentions of Christianity from parks. It is illegal for Christians to marry Jews, it is illegal to sell Christian books in Hebrew, and it is illegal for Christians to engage in any media activity (TV, radio).
Rothschilds and bloodline families formed this "state" on top of Christian holy ground.
They are scared because Christians(and other religions) have been given VISION by God to see through their evil plans.
israhell is last because its literally a MECCA of EVIL.
I now trust a Muslim(freedom fighter anyone?) over a Jew, 100% of the time..
Lets see what everyone here thinks.
Josh, who are you blessing?
Dude, you come across with SO MUCH anger - but who are you blessing?
Wanna know who are the Jews? Look in Genesis 12. Those who ARE a blessing and who acknowledge their blessing is from God. Again: "Who are you blessing?"
Yes, of course Jews have a Jewish mother. So, there's some genetics involved. But WHO ARE YOU BLESSING? Do you have any blessings in your life or is it all anger? Are you acknowledging God in all your ways and are you blessing others with your blessings? You could be a Jew and not even know it. Oy Vey!
The precious Muslim people are slaves. You and I were slaves to sin before Christ Jesus bought us with His blood. We are precious and the Muslims are precious because we have been BOUGHT at a terrible price. Yet Jesus calls us His "friends". Go figure. Yet Muslims insist on continuing as slaves. The only fighting Muslims will do is for more slavery. Good news: Muslims are leaving their slavery (Islam) by the hundreds every day - all over the world. Many of them are becoming Jesus' friends!
Let go of the anger, Josh. YES, think critically and logically. Speak truth to power and always seek out the truth. And Put The Anger Down! It's a CRUTCH! LEAVE IT at the feet of Jesus! GET WELL IN HIM! Remember your gifts! Remember your blessings! Remember HIS BLESSING of your new life! BE A BLESSING, JOSH (you don't even have to LOOK Jewish...)
Not sure how you think I come across as angry, but I will entertain that for the response.
You think Muslims are slaves and need to be Christian? I disagree. Muslims actually have their own religion which is respectful and peaceful when followed by faith.
Your obsession with what you consider anger is concerning to me...have a great day and God Bless you