In this...interesting interview M.Gaetz is doing a terrible job pleading his innocence to Tuck-tuck (
In it he says over and over: -im being extorted for money -no images of Jim and minor prostitutes -politically motivated target -innocense can be proven from records and wire taps if only the DOJ/FBI woukd release them (btw...the public doesn't need to see them for him to be proven innocent in the eyes if law, only foe public opinion) -pay for play set up
Questions -if DoD/FBI did release them....woukd it set president to publicly release others/upcoming? -all if his bullets sound really familiar. Regardless of whether he is innocent it not, this feels like a soft intro to what may be coming (How do you prove/disclose crimes against humanity to the masses?) -is gaetz bait for the left to set their own trap again to fall into...again?
He looks like a major creep for sure
It's those brows man