haha fuck no. Lindell has some balls and a great heart but he is not president material. I want some deep state snipers and a deep state removal team 2024. Seriously, run on nothing but removing the corruption and beuarocracy from government. I kinda like a libertarian like Patrick Byrne who knows the corruption on all aspects an is an antigovernment type of guy because we have way too much government right now.
Yes, would also be a good option but he needs to do his research and display a strategy to us because unfortunately he doesn't have a great track record in following through and creating actual results.
haha fuck no. Lindell has some balls and a great heart but he is not president material. I want some deep state snipers and a deep state removal team 2024. Seriously, run on nothing but removing the corruption and beuarocracy from government. I kinda like a libertarian like Patrick Byrne who knows the corruption on all aspects an is an antigovernment type of guy because we have way too much government right now.
Yes, would also be a good option but he needs to do his research and display a strategy to us because unfortunately he doesn't have a great track record in following through and creating actual results.