posted ago by PilgrimFarAway ago by PilgrimFarAway +208 / -0
  1. Russia preparing to invade Ukraine
  2. Precious metal squeeze
  3. Bond market impending implosion
  4. Saint George mostly peaceful protests about to return with a vengence
  5. Missing sub
  6. Durham ramping up
  7. Lindell promising continuous release of evidence
  8. Peak migrant invasion season
  9. Bidan disintegrating quickly
  10. GME Hat tip Slyver
  11. Evergreen containers Hat tip PropertyOfTheUniverse
  12. Vaccine toxicity Hat tip PropertyOfTheUniverse
  13. Rising tension in SE Asia Hit tip Retaining_H2O
  14. Election audits in AZ, GA and MI
  15. Nursing home mass murder scandal
  16. Microchip supply chain breakdown
  17. Myanmar Hat tip Moonstreams
  18. Matt Gaetz revealing that he has the goods on the failed take down Lupinate
  19. Maxwell arm twisting with new charges Hat tip NewChina I'm sure there is more. It seems to be the makings of one heck of a storm.
  20. Potential for hyperinflation to kick in Hat Tip AnonForEverAndEver