Confluence of events...
- Russia preparing to invade Ukraine
- Precious metal squeeze
- Bond market impending implosion
- Saint George mostly peaceful protests about to return with a vengence
- Missing sub
- Durham ramping up
- Lindell promising continuous release of evidence
- Peak migrant invasion season
- Bidan disintegrating quickly
- GME Hat tip Slyver
- Evergreen containers Hat tip PropertyOfTheUniverse
- Vaccine toxicity Hat tip PropertyOfTheUniverse
- Rising tension in SE Asia Hit tip Retaining_H2O
- Election audits in AZ, GA and MI
- Nursing home mass murder scandal
- Microchip supply chain breakdown
- Myanmar Hat tip Moonstreams
- Matt Gaetz revealing that he has the goods on the failed take down Lupinate
- Maxwell arm twisting with new charges Hat tip NewChina I'm sure there is more. It seems to be the makings of one heck of a storm.
- Potential for hyperinflation to kick in Hat Tip AnonForEverAndEver