I believe that “opposites” is a big factor in the spiritual and cultural battle going on right now in the world. As in, whatever tactics we use, the other side will try to use the opposite tactics to bring us down – not on just a physical, material level, but on a spiritual level too. This is why I think it’s key to make sure we are always coming at things from the right perspective – if we are fixated on injustice and unfairness, we will get more of that. But if we are fueled by love and a desire to sow positive change, we are limitless.
I have this theory – if we are at peace, the enemy is stressed…if we are confident, the enemy is uncertain…if we are fueled by love, the enemy is fueled by hate - and it will show…if we are bold, the enemy is meek. I think the key is to try to strike a balance and get out of our comfort zones, into the spaces we have been too scared to occupy.
Everyone is fighting their own battles right now, but I believe that every small step makes a difference. Whether that is a spiritual comfort zone or a step in the physical landscape, I believe that confronting and challenging our own limitations, living in love and faith, and believing in ourselves and in each of our individual abilities to contribute towards real change and a positive future is the key to progress.
This is TRUE. it’s the law of polarity.