We are watching a movie right?
Patriots are in control (of everything) They’ve timed George Floyd trial (not guilty) which will cause MASSIVE riots (USA burning), maybe for a month. This is just as border crisis spikes and while Biden tries to get the 3 Trillion dollar China stimulus deal passed. Along with a nice unconstitutional gun grab AND mandatory vaccine passports being implemented for travel and to attend school. *This is the low spot in the movie
“Your family is safe”
Then Ghislaine trial concludes, various conspiracy theories are confirmed, top celebrities and powerful people are arrested on the child crimes. By now (guns, vaccines, border crisis, rising gas prices, pedophiles in the Democrat party) 75%+ of people are wishing Trump won at this point. The stage is set. Then AZ forensic audit results will come out and will be devastating, showing massive international interference and coordinated boots on the ground fraud) Military audit of the swing states. Biden removed from office. New election ran by military. Trump in absolutely crushing victory.
Roll credits.
That or we are literally marching to the hell just described
It really is only a choice between those two fates. Crazy stuff.