You must not have been around when it required a different username for every single .win... They have since all been merged. Anybody thats been here longer than a year likely has 2-5 accounts. This isn't even my primary for GA.W, but I used to use TD.W so frequently that this one just kinda became my main..
You seem to be the one screaming back that what OP is doing is totally okay.. I am the one who has the support from the rest of the users on the site..
Im just saying, the crowd here doesn't like it.. and you seem to be making a big push that I must be a fake or something because I called out a rather distasteful post.
Sorry, was replying to your 2nd message earlier but phone died.
It's not a stretch at all, the symbols are clearly there. I would be on your side if you weren't in denial of something so obvious and in your face. Sure, I can see your point and OP could have just posted the symbol and linked to what it's from. But your denial of the obvious and your attempted strawman against me in a PM are big red flags. ?
I never sent you a PM you have me confused with someone else. I also never said the symbolism didn't exist.. Again, you must be confusing me with someone else..
I said "Use a stock image from the internet"
I am definitely not in denial, From the beginning I have stated that it was distastful and nobody wanted to see that, and that their tactics to show the symbolism were really weird..
So... What fucking red flags are you talking about?
Again, new phone..
You must not have been around when it required a different username for every single .win... They have since all been merged. Anybody thats been here longer than a year likely has 2-5 accounts. This isn't even my primary for GA.W, but I used to use TD.W so frequently that this one just kinda became my main..
You seem to be the one screaming back that what OP is doing is totally okay.. I am the one who has the support from the rest of the users on the site..
Im just saying, the crowd here doesn't like it.. and you seem to be making a big push that I must be a fake or something because I called out a rather distasteful post.
Sorry, was replying to your 2nd message earlier but phone died.
It's not a stretch at all, the symbols are clearly there. I would be on your side if you weren't in denial of something so obvious and in your face. Sure, I can see your point and OP could have just posted the symbol and linked to what it's from. But your denial of the obvious and your attempted strawman against me in a PM are big red flags. ?
I never sent you a PM you have me confused with someone else. I also never said the symbolism didn't exist.. Again, you must be confusing me with someone else..
I said "Use a stock image from the internet" I am definitely not in denial, From the beginning I have stated that it was distastful and nobody wanted to see that, and that their tactics to show the symbolism were really weird..
So... What fucking red flags are you talking about?