REPORT: Kids in Migrant Camps Engaging in Sexual Activity, Sent to Hotels With Unvetted Caregivers
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Time for the return of the minutemen border patrol. If we want our borders protected we obviously cannot rely on government. We have to start by first taking a non violent stand to ensure the integrity and continuance of our great nation and send a message to our "elected" leaders. We call the shots, not them. We are running short on time to make our voices heard and take a stand. There's nothing wrong with trusting a plan, but there's plenty wrong with sitting idly and allowing people who are actively working against not just us, but all western based civilizations to destroy our way of life. For Fucks sake trust and hope to God there's a plan, but WE HAVE TO TAKE A STAND! Our country is OUR RESPONSIBILITY. QUIT PLACING ALL TBE RESPONSIBILITY OF RESOLVING THIS BULLSHIT SITUATION WE'VE FOUND OURSELVES IN ON SOMEONE ELSE, QUIT WAITING FOR A SAVIOR! WE HAVE TO GET OFF OUR LAZY AMERICAN ASSES AND GET INVOLVED IN OUR COMMUNITIES, WE HAVE TO BE WILLING TO TAKE OFF FROM OUR MEANINGLESS JOBS AND PEACEFULLY SHOW OUR STRENGTH IN NUMBERS ACROSS THE LAND. WE HAVE TO UNITE. If we continue solely trusting and not acting, we are doomed to suffer the same fate of other once great nations, countries of the past. Be a lazy pussy and accept the consequences, or stand up, unite and fight for your God given rights.