Chillout2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

Love the guy or hate him but another of what were witnessing unfold is stuff Jones was talking about years ago. Remember most cops our the good guys, one of the goals that has to be achieved to implement a one world government scenario is eliminating local law enforcement municipalities and creating a federal militarized police force that follow the president's puppeteers orders. Once this is done the public can start to be disarmed.

Chillout2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

sorry for the run on sentences. I keep trying to get this message across to everyone, but it seems to always fall upon def ears and gets dismissed due to the handshake by my user name.

Chillout2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, but for some reason a lot of people here believe we aren't supposed to play an active role in this, they believe being an internet "warrior " is all they have to be, a lot of people don't seem to understand that we can take our country back without a single act of violence, but that would involve getting off our asses, our phones and computers, getting out of our homes and missing a few days of work. As that old saying goes, United we stand, divided we fall. Our strength is in our numbers, but in order to show this we have to organize our communities and show our true support for our country, we'd need to essentially shut down the flow of money in our country and others to send a real message, we would need to have such a large presence that media would not be able to ignore and we can't use the possibility of a ff as an excuse to do nothing. This won't be won by memes or by bitching to your local politicians.

by Mageant
Chillout2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not supposed to be commenting based on the handshake according to some f@#$, but the people in charge have their agendas, the masks, the lockdowns, the vaccines and the new level of control isn't going anywhere unless we the people demand it.

Chillout2024 3 points ago +4 / -1

Pretty sure as long as you haven't signed anything no and if they fire you you still collect a paycheck through workmans comp.

Chillout2024 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Says the individual who apparently migrated over from TDW bringing his/her shit attitude with. I've been following this community for awhile along with q im just dont comment for the sake of upvotes/likes therefore still handshake account. Handshakes can comment too, piss off and have a good evening.

Chillout2024 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Imo, Too many people in this forum seem to think someone else will do the fighting for them.

Chillout2024 9 points ago +10 / -1

This "fag beast" came up with one of the greatest cons ever. Proclaimed himself to be trans and avoided murder charges and prison time, got millions off a book deal and still seems to date females...

Chillout2024 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not being a doomer, but how many times are we going to allow ourselves to get screwed over, let down again and set back several more yards? This is the endgame here imo, we won't win this at our 9-5s or in the comfort of our homes. Our participation is necessary, we were called upon in January to take a peaceful stand by showing force in our numbers and everyday since we've been no more present than your typical internet troll. The freedom lovers of this country are the majority, not the fringe left propped up by media, corrupt politicians and ceos. If we don't make ourselves visible to the point of no longer being able to be ignored and stuffed under the rug we will lose this country. This has become a country full of complacent pansies.

Chillout2024 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lmao, I grew up in a town that produced dog food, I'd gladly trade the smell of freshly produced dog food for hog production..?

Chillout2024 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm going to politely disagree with the majority of the comments... I don't feel this is one of those subjects to use the fly is more attracted to honey scenario. Personally from every thing I've researched on negative side effects, the fact that you are at greater risk statistically by taking the "vaccines" vs contracting the virus and how much mainstream is pushing to vaccinate the masses suggests there is nothing other than nefarious intentions and we have yet to see the end results. If you have any degree of common sense and the ability to think for yourself and rationalize you should be trying to deter people from falling victim to this bullshit scamdemic. Q has even implied there will be casualties on both sides. We theoretically could be facing a 30-40% or greater population reduction in the near future from this.

Chillout2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not trying to be controversial, but LOOK AT THE FLU CASES BEFORE TALKING ABOUT "COVID-19". Did influenza Magically dissappear? Simple answer is NO.Did Africa have Lab Techs being ordered to turn up pcr magnifications which guaranteed a false positive?!? I'm going to be as pc as possible, covid 19 is a hoax.

Chillout2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crypto seems to be an attempt to extract wealth from nations. Fooling people to move away from tangible assets and into digital all with the hopes of striking it rich essentially off a penny stock.

Chillout2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get certain aspects of trust the plan, but we just supposed to sit back, watch and trust the plan if these facilities start being involuntarily filled? Serious question, not dooming or shilling or any other fill in the blank term...

Chillout2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Couldn't agree more, let's just keep waiting for that knight in shining armor to come and save us. If they really start to mandate vaccines, confiscate guns and send people to re-education camps just remember to trust the plan and don't do anything, help is on the way...

Chillout2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time for the return of the minutemen border patrol. If we want our borders protected we obviously cannot rely on government. We have to start by first taking a non violent stand to ensure the integrity and continuance of our great nation and send a message to our "elected" leaders. We call the shots, not them. We are running short on time to make our voices heard and take a stand. There's nothing wrong with trusting a plan, but there's plenty wrong with sitting idly and allowing people who are actively working against not just us, but all western based civilizations to destroy our way of life. For Fucks sake trust and hope to God there's a plan, but WE HAVE TO TAKE A STAND! Our country is OUR RESPONSIBILITY. QUIT PLACING ALL TBE RESPONSIBILITY OF RESOLVING THIS BULLSHIT SITUATION WE'VE FOUND OURSELVES IN ON SOMEONE ELSE, QUIT WAITING FOR A SAVIOR! WE HAVE TO GET OFF OUR LAZY AMERICAN ASSES AND GET INVOLVED IN OUR COMMUNITIES, WE HAVE TO BE WILLING TO TAKE OFF FROM OUR MEANINGLESS JOBS AND PEACEFULLY SHOW OUR STRENGTH IN NUMBERS ACROSS THE LAND. WE HAVE TO UNITE. If we continue solely trusting and not acting, we are doomed to suffer the same fate of other once great nations, countries of the past. Be a lazy pussy and accept the consequences, or stand up, unite and fight for your God given rights.

Chillout2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your post and honesty can't believe that it hasn't gained more traction. Unfortunately this type of mentality gets pushed into the darkness and labeled as dooming. I hope that everyone of us has an actual contingency plan, a cutoff date and isn't solely relying upon someone else to save us. If not we very well may be fucked. The sheep who follow blindly are the first led to slaughter.

Chillout2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around why there are so many on this forum that seem to be in support of the vaccines that have been rolled out over last few months for a "virus" with a 99.97% survivability rate. Main group of people at risk for serious illness and/or death are 80+ years of age, an age range that already exceeds average mortality age. If you're a healthy skeptic, not even talking about a tin foil hat type, you should be able to look at all the past information/propaganda that was forced down your throat over the last year and clearly see there is no need for a vaccine. I'll gladly debate anyone on this.

Chillout2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reporter suffered stroke on live tv and was hospitalized immediately after broadcast if i remember correctly.

Chillout2024 0 points ago +1 / -1

No offense, but I could write a book on how stupid this post is, how you sound like you desperately still need to unplug from the matrix. Only you can pull the plug, but you need to choose. Take the blue pill, you wake up in your bed, none of this ever happened. Or take the red pill and see how far this rabbit hole goes. Choice is yours... ?

Chillout2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jones has only had negative things to say about Q. Even had me questioning at times. Haven't listened to him for a few weeks now, but last I heard him talk of Q said was tactic to get us not to act, trust the plan and wait. That's been one of my concerns as well, but then I'm continuously reminded that we hold the majority of the guns and we will not go quietly into the night. There are too many patriots who are looking for a good reason to leave this rock.

Chillout2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing wrong with new accounts interacting with preexisting. I deleted my account entirely. PEveryday I've been on td.win kinda reminds me of interacting with my ex, bipolar with severe mood swings, verbal abuse for questioning anything...