I want to start by mentioning I have an strong education in medicine, that I am on your side believing in the cynical end game of the global elite, and that I could be wrong because information is still limited:
I do not believe this vaccine is the "mark of the beast" or the ultimate depopulation tool. Think about it, they want to "chip" or tattoo humans for the end of humanity. They want people to gain trust and faith in this system first. If they deployed their end game now it would be to premature and their opposition still has a lot of power. They are saving their micro needling patches for the next plandemic. They want people to trust their system and they want to do this incrementally. The biometric identification will come later down the road when they have more infrastructure and people feel more willing to take it like for security when crime spikes or to join a program to get out of poverty. I just do not believe this is the vaccine that we all should be trying to fight to the end and likely 95% of recipients will be fine after the end of the initial reaction. Long-term I don't think any of us can say and I do not believe even the elites have the evidence to be banking on pre planned effects on the population, not to mention the people jumping in line for this vaccine are the ones they already have mentally enslaved to their programming.
People often overlook the economic and political aspects of this situation. The people that own the patents to the PCR of this test are making stupid money and can't be competed against. The vaccine is set to sell 10 billion doses to the big Pharmacuetical companies, and this allows them to test out there infrastructure and they will start ruling out the covid approved BS for certain building and businesses to crush the rest. This virus was primetime for them to kill economic sectors and run coops of world governments. They carefully anticipated its economic impact and the vaccine allows them to suck out more money. They used this to hurt our weals and secure there own. Luckily Trump did negotiate with these Pharmacuetical companies and realistically saved us a trillion+ dollars by forcing them to lock their prices in. These vaccines were likely inevitable and are very nuanced so better it happen under his control and they weren't able to completely prove gauge us. I really doubt the vaccine will lead to any net loss of life though and if it does it will be very miniscule.
That being said, I think the vaccines are a foolish agenda and will likely make the pandemic worse and last longer. Chimeric RNA viruses adapt quickly and will likely overcome the defensive strategy created by the vaccines. Similar to antibiotic resistance, if it does not completely stop or kill the infection evolutionary pressure select for those strains which continue to spread because this is a "leaky" vaccine. It will likely evade vaccinated immune systems better than those who have recovered but that becomes a possibility as well. It will also likely become more resilient to treatments such as monoclonal antibodies but but treatment like HCQ/IVM will likely remain as efficacious. Animal trials on this vaccine that have medium-long term effects is a great argument to opt out of this vaccine. So I believe because the low lethality of the virus and the risks + alternative treatments it makes very little sense for people to choose this as a medical intervention. Personally I think long term effects of Covid are more worrisome than acute symptoms, and this vaccine will not prevent that. Pathogenic priming and ADE are also reasonable complications to arise out of this but this is one of the things that is up in the air and hopefully will not be this 100% die off event because we could find ways to counter its severity. Coronavirus tend not to have this effect unlike certain dengue fevers and hopefully cross immunity remains. With the technology they have access to though who knows.
my 2 cents, sorry I typed this very quickly but hopefully might give a little piece of mind to those who have family and friends that have chosen to try this genetic therapy.
I feel your frustration, pede. But remember who MSM and project mockingbird work for. They are rats in a corner fighting without stops. They are working overtime to create a sense that everyone agrees with them. Humans thoughts are real things that affect reality. They know this.