I work in a school. We are (basically) forced to wear masks, which at this point, I know who is and isn't cool about whether or not I have it on when I'm around them, so, it's whatever. But today, I was near the vice principal and he asked me, "have you gotten your vaccine yet?" (And SO FAR it's optional). So, I shook my head no, and he said, "well, I'll make sure to have my mask on when I'm around you, then. Also, I don't ever want to see you without your mask on, since your not vaccinated" (as if he's becoming okay with seeing vaccinated folks without theirs on). So, is this a little taste of what's to come? Are the unvaccinated going to be sub-classified? I sure felt like it today, literally for the first time. I know its VERY subtle. But there it was, right there! I know it will slowly ramp up from here. But there it was... Today marks the first day of the hint, that persecution is coming. I know it is. It's not a good feeling.
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Yikes! I’m so pissed about this! You know what we are no longer divided by race, religion, country or gender—nope it’s vaccinated or not! I feel like I’m Jewish in Germany in 1940 with my friends turning on me. It’s scary/sad! Sorry for that pos! I hope he is found out to be having an affair or drinking at work or something! He sounds like the type.?