I work in a school. We are (basically) forced to wear masks, which at this point, I know who is and isn't cool about whether or not I have it on when I'm around them, so, it's whatever. But today, I was near the vice principal and he asked me, "have you gotten your vaccine yet?" (And SO FAR it's optional). So, I shook my head no, and he said, "well, I'll make sure to have my mask on when I'm around you, then. Also, I don't ever want to see you without your mask on, since your not vaccinated" (as if he's becoming okay with seeing vaccinated folks without theirs on). So, is this a little taste of what's to come? Are the unvaccinated going to be sub-classified? I sure felt like it today, literally for the first time. I know its VERY subtle. But there it was, right there! I know it will slowly ramp up from here. But there it was... Today marks the first day of the hint, that persecution is coming. I know it is. It's not a good feeling.
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I didn’t shove the vaccine down these people throat or inject it into their body against their will. I’m not celebrating anything and it’s not okay that 2/3 of the population will die. I don’t think anyone is celebrating that. This is a crime against humanity. However, those people inject the fucking killer vax into their body by own free will without proper research and basic common sense thinking in their head, and now whatever comes will come. What the hell can you do about that? Are you gonna suck the vaccine out of their arm?
I have not insulted anybody so why are you so mad? Did you take that vaccine yourself and now you are seeking reassuring that things will be fine and you’ll be okay? You are being very unnecessarily rude.