452 Just when I thought Zuckerberg and Facebook couldn’t get any more painfully corrupt! (media.greatawakening.win) ? These people are stupid! posted 3 years ago by Helpus2021 3 years ago by Helpus2021 +452 / -0 139 comments download share 139 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
If you haven’t deleted your Facebook yet, what are you waiting for?
Now, if you’re somehow spreading redpills on Facebook (without them deleting your posts), at ease. Keep up the fight.
Don’t spend your leisure time there. It’s toxic and you’re making our enemies richer.
I closed my account after, 10 years, in December and Jan 21st they nuked it-what is peculiar is all my FB friends of years haven't shown up in the venues they all talked about-could this be Stockholm Syndrome writ large???