I hope I an wrong, but this is how I see this playing out:
Most of the casualties will be months down the road (fall winter) when those who took the vaccine will be exposed to another coronavirus like the common cold. Their weakened immune systems will make the cold more deadly than ever before.
The elites plan is to blame it on the unvaccinated and finally push through forced vaccinations worldwide.
Remember they need to reduce our population by 90 percent for their great reset plan to succeed.
It may take a few flu/cold seasons to accomplish.
I hope I an wrong, but this is how I see this playing out:
Most of the casualties will be months down the road (fall winter) when those who took the vaccine will be exposed to another coronavirus like the common cold. Their weakened immune systems will make the cold more deadly than ever before.
The elites plan is to blame it on the unvaccinated and finally push through forced vaccinations worldwide.
Remember they need to reduce our population by 90 percent for their great reset plan to succeed. It may take a few flu/cold seasons to accomplish.