I just tried googling the death rate of covid, and all I got was a bag full of crap. No real numbers, a bunch of graphs that literally don't tell you anything, and a bunch of fact checker claims...
In America it has been defined as the 3rd highest cause of death per last year in 2020... But yet in almost every age group there is over a 99% chance of survival...
I do not understand this. I believe it is not meant to be understood. The math doesn't make sense, because there is no real math at work here.
And it is for this fact alone, that I am sick to my stomach. Not because of a phoney "plandemic" but because of the barrage of lies and the effect it has wreaked on my reality. Sickening.
It is a made up pandemic. I Do Not Believe in Covid-19.
Exactly!!! Nurse: "We have a patient just in, badly injured in a motorcycle accident, he might not make it doctor." Doctor: "Has the patient been tested for covid-19? I got this email from the FCC saying we have to test every single person, or else." Nurse: "We didn't yet, we are working to stabilize the patient." (Enter Medical Intern Stage Right) Intern: "Nurse, we lost the patient from massive hemorrhaging of blood from his frontal lobe!!" Doctor: "Run a PCR test on his dead body and put it through 45 cycles to test for Covid-19 stat!" Nurse: "Okay, but I don't understand why..." Doctor: "Because the CDC said we have to!! Or else!!" (A little while later) Nurse: "We ran the PCR test, 45 cycles, it says he had Covid-19. Although there was no significant signs of infection anywhere found in his respiratory system" Doctor: "That settles it then, this was most certainly a Covid Related Death!! Make sure you write that very large and legible on the documentation. And get the local news over here pronto to report on this man's covid related death! Stat!"
Ridiculous isn't it, the above situation. Too bad this literally happened hundreds to thousands of times per day last year... but alas!! I'm just a SpurryC theorist.
I currently work in healthcare - and I can attest this is all true! It's always "follow the money" - right now, anything covid related is getting a big payout for medical facilities and doctors! Want to know why they are pushing the covid vaccine - FOLLOW THE MONEY! They don't care about the people - it's just about the money!
Vaccine kickbacks... Money, greed. This does not surprise me. I am glad your are witnessing to this fact though.
We must trust the, "data".