IGetRektDaily posted this comment in the Capitol Attack sticky: https://greatawakening.win/p/12i43uFPk6/capital-hill-suspect-is-25-year-/
"Was this a FF to keep National guard at the capitol?"
I tend to agree. Seems many here are simply relieved by the fact that it was not a "white supremacist" or "Trumper". A "white supremacist" FF attack would have been too obvious. Let's rely on the good old tried and true "wacky Islamic terrorist" thing since that will not raise too many eyebrows, and will actually send this community into celebration mode, when really what they've done is justified keeping the Capitol under guard.
It's right here in black and white: "To think just about 10 days ago, we were removing the fences that created the border around the Capitol," he told Fox News Friday. "I’m sure there’s going to be a new conversation about what that looks like going forward."
They knew it would be easy to dig up his FB page with "Follower of Farrakhan" plastered right across the profile. Now they're saying he was a jock who turned into a paranoid extremist...
So as the dust settles, what really happened here?
A nuclear FF attack on DC, using a stolen missile from the 60s with a pre-programmed target of DC and being moved into position aboard a container ship has nothing to do with keeping DC shut down, perhaps?
I've been trying to get a read on this situation in the same manner because it seems both too easy for a FF perp but also good at obscuring what the possible endgame is. Sometimes people just do some crazy things but this reeks of FF.
If I have any revelations I'll update here.
Many were confirmed to be Antifa, the lady that got shot was a big time libtard pretending to be an anon, I think her husband confirmed it.
I meant the recent event where the car was driven into the barrier and a police officer was killed. Sorry if I wasn't clear.