The mark is not a physical mark. Some pastors are saying a mandatory vaccine passport is not the mark because it isn’t a physical mark. Anyone who says this is engaging in logical positivism which is anti-christian. Think about it; the Bible - an ancient spiritualism book full of parable, metaphor and symbolism in the most metaphysical book in the Bible, one passage is all the sudden is to be taken literally?
No the ‘Mark’ is a sigil representative of demonic possession, on your soul, where the mind and the will of the subject is taken over by the demonic spirit.
The hand represents will; your utility. In modern context; ie your job in the economy. You take the ‘ mark’ (the vax/port) because you don’t want to lose your job, or it is your job to make a part of the beast infrastructure. You are not doing the these things because it is your own will but as an agent of the demonic spirit (the Satanic anti-christian global NWO) In that way your are demonic possessed.
Likewise the mark in the forehead represents your mind; the third eye; your perception. In the modern context the culture, media, entertainment, news. Some people are demonic possessed by the propaganda, and in this way they have the mark on their forehead (mind) Think about it, would we even know there was a virus if it wasn’t in the media 24/7 This is the mark of the beast in the forehead.
I’ll say it again, logical positivism is a tool of the devil in this context. Learn what logical positivism is and who formulated it. Pastors who preach that interpretation are literally doing satans work by deceiving their congregations, and their congregation are allowing themselves to be deceived.
The mark is not a physical mark (a tatoo, barcode, chip) but rather it is a spiritual metaphor; a mark on your soul, a sigil representative of demonic possession
THere are TWO marks/seals mentioned in the Bible. One gets talked about a LOT, the other ignored.
-Mark of the BEAST
-Mark of God
Both on forehead (in the mind / third eye)
The eye 'full of light' is the mark of God
The eye 'full of darkness, and how GREAT is that darkness' (black eye cult) is the mark of the beast
Historically represented by allegiance to Nero by smudging carbon/ash (666 molecule) on forehead to enter the market. That was the physical version of the spiritual.
I still think that 'spirit cooking' and adrenochrome usage is the selling my soul to the devil' aka 'blasphemy of the Holy Spirit' thus the only unpardonable sin against the most High.
4-6% forever lost
ALso, the 'armor of God' that Q / Bible tell us to adorn is NOT Roman armor, its HIGH PRIEST ARMOR, and on the forehead is a Gold band that has the inscription of 'Holy unto the Lord', or the Mark of God. It means 'set aside for the Lord'.
THat, also, is the historical physical of the spiritual.
Selling your soul to the devil through magic/ritual is unpardonable? I thought no sin is too great if you realize what you did and change your ways/ accept Jesus. No bond with the devil stronger than the blood of Christ. I'm no expect, I'm just asking and learning as I go. I had some rough experiences recently which turned me towards God.
Key is knowingly
I went down an extremely dark path and met demonic entities face to face. Deep down I'm still worried I lost my soul but then I remind myself that a God I didn't know rescued me by slapping me in the face with signs I couldn't ignore. So many synchronicities happened in that time along with poltergeist activity that I dropped all my experiments I was running on myself.
Gods forgiveness and love is greater than your sin.