Easy there. Its completely legitimate to question people that have made claims and been wrong about them. So much info flying around, its important to assess how trustworthy it is.
The whole "everyone who even dare question is a clown!" antics just wreak of insecurity about the information being presented.
I dont recall Lin ever making a specific date suggestion. He told people to prepare for 2 week power outtages... and guess what, that advice would have been amazing timing if you lived in Texas as they had the massive man-made snow storm immediately after Lin said that.
He has made no specific predictions in the many months I have been following him, but he's made it clear he trusts the plan and our side will win.
You guys sound like you read MSM articles about Lin more than you actually read his posts.
The people hating Lin are the group thinkers who clearly don't read his posts and get their opinions 2nd hand "boo hoo Lin Wood said something would happen soon and to stock up survival food" massive man made snowstorm hits Texas immediately after "boo hoo the storm only affected Texas I wasted my food stamps for nothing"
"Misdirection is necessary". Lin either received a bad lead or was intentionally throwing off the opposition.
His message has been on point ever since. If you think he was actually supposed to win a SCOTUS case then you don't understand the plan.
His post doesn't claim anything will happen tomorrow, I just found it ininteresting.
Easy there. Its completely legitimate to question people that have made claims and been wrong about them. So much info flying around, its important to assess how trustworthy it is.
The whole "everyone who even dare question is a clown!" antics just wreak of insecurity about the information being presented.
Question everthing, always.
GAW members use fag in every other post but get mad at the word clown haha... peoole need to be respectful to Lin
I dont recall Lin ever making a specific date suggestion. He told people to prepare for 2 week power outtages... and guess what, that advice would have been amazing timing if you lived in Texas as they had the massive man-made snow storm immediately after Lin said that.
He has made no specific predictions in the many months I have been following him, but he's made it clear he trusts the plan and our side will win.
You guys sound like you read MSM articles about Lin more than you actually read his posts.
The people hating Lin are the group thinkers who clearly don't read his posts and get their opinions 2nd hand "boo hoo Lin Wood said something would happen soon and to stock up survival food" massive man made snowstorm hits Texas immediately after "boo hoo the storm only affected Texas I wasted my food stamps for nothing"