and proceed to conquer and dominate all other authoritarian governments on Earth?
Enforcing a hard money, decentralized banking, capitalist / democratically duly elected societies in all corners of man?
Putin is a reasonable man, and ultimately I believe he wanted to keep his country out of the hands of the corrupt
Consider the scale of firepower / Western tech we are discussing
I think I have come to the conclusion that this is the true plan and would like to know if other anons have arrived to a similar point.
What if Putin, Xi, Kim, Modi, bin Salman and others are all in cooperation with Trump?
Remember Trumps world tour in 2017 where he met with so many world leaders? They did the sword dance in SA and had Trump hold the sword. YUGE symbol of respect and a sign of going to war together. After he left SA they arrested a bunch of people and replaced the corrupt al Waleed with Trump ally bin Salman. Similar signs of cooperation or capitulation from every single country he visited.
I believe Trump was establishing a global alliance that are now all working together to make a show of leading us into WW3.
Firstly, to get the normies to crap their pants.
But mostly because once all the militaries are activated they can then execute a global op to take down the last bastions of cabal evil—the WH, the Vatican, all or most royal palaces, certain temples and churches, etc.
It really will be Biblical when Rods of God rain down all over the world all at once!
Then it will be time to rebuild. New elections for smaller governments. New technologies and opportunities. New money. New financial systems.
Destruction and then a rebirth.