Same here Pede. Lawyers, MIT grads/teachers, and a few other fields that take actual brain meat to accomplish. I used to value their insight on topics and loved to just pick their brain on issues.
Then Trump.
I don't understand how people with obviously so much brain power can be so completely fucking oblivious to what is happening...
It would be different if their arguments against him were compelling, but it alwats boils down to Orange Man Bad.
I just had to stop talking politics with them, but as a result, not that I'm super political anyways, have distanced myself from them.
These educated folk were taught that they are smart, but weren't taught, nor have they yet discovered, the importance of humility. The rockerfeller education system has been 'ef'in' with this fundamental of education, and messing up society... These folk haven't received an authentic education, they have been been taught tricks, not wisdom, but have been taught they're better than others, 'cus they have a 'fancy education'. Lack of humility leads to a lack of curiosity, which leads to a lack of critical thinking.
That's a really good insight. The people I know who are the most against hearing the truth are the most cocky, arrogant people. Humility goes a long way to being open and curious.
Same here Pede. Lawyers, MIT grads/teachers, and a few other fields that take actual brain meat to accomplish. I used to value their insight on topics and loved to just pick their brain on issues.
Then Trump.
I don't understand how people with obviously so much brain power can be so completely fucking oblivious to what is happening...
It would be different if their arguments against him were compelling, but it alwats boils down to Orange Man Bad.
I just had to stop talking politics with them, but as a result, not that I'm super political anyways, have distanced myself from them.
These educated folk were taught that they are smart, but weren't taught, nor have they yet discovered, the importance of humility. The rockerfeller education system has been 'ef'in' with this fundamental of education, and messing up society... These folk haven't received an authentic education, they have been been taught tricks, not wisdom, but have been taught they're better than others, 'cus they have a 'fancy education'. Lack of humility leads to a lack of curiosity, which leads to a lack of critical thinking.
That's a really good insight. The people I know who are the most against hearing the truth are the most cocky, arrogant people. Humility goes a long way to being open and curious.