All the way through this "two weeks to flatten the curve" that's turned into well over a year now:
Why aren't people who have had COVID-19 and recovered recognized and acknowledged as immune? In fact, the powers that be have gone out of their way to imply that recovering from COVID doesn't make you immune - which was easily proven false.
I have no interest in being tested for immunity, but we aren't even hearing anything about those who have recovered. And the goal posts just keep moving- the latest is signs in stores saying "Vaccinated or not, masks and social distancing are required in this store." I'm so over it. There is no way I'm giving in to this nonsense. I'm buying another gun.
Yes, I was talking to a girl a couple weeks ago that had recently had CV. The doctors told her that she would be immune from it for 90 days?!? She had made a joke about being immune for another month, and I asked her about it. Not sure what happens on day 91, I guess your immune system just forgets, lol.
The "experts" really seem to be making stuff up as they go, but I guess with so many people already having it & recovering, they have to make up the short immunity so more people will get the jab.
I am pissed off though, because I found out this weekend that my parents got the shots. My mom (who follows Q and all the conspiracy stuff) said she just want to be able to go back to normal. And then she said, well Trump said he got the vax too. They just started seeing a new doctor, and I have a feeling he emotionally manipulated them into it. I am really sad and angry at the same time, I just hope it doesn't kill them, but no one knows what will happen. And my mom said they have to get the "booster" in 6 months. uggghhh. People need to realize there is no "back to normal"... they keep moving the goalposts, and people keep complying, until enough people fight back - they will keep pushing us farther into the abyss.