The government has always been against us. The government was only truly patriotic for mere decades. Many of those that people wanted to get away from made their way to America. Some loyal to the royals and some within the ancient cabal came here.
For a long time they blended in as one of us but the internet will be their undoing. Originally internet was supposed to be used to keep tabs on us better but we the people have turned it to our advantage.
The game of division has been going on for many decades. These people can only maintain a form of control over the people when the people are divided. Racism is real but in reality there are not many racists in society.
There are cultural differences that may make some things seem racist that are not racist but with the MSM, they'll spin anything as racist to stir division. We all know the government, namely CIA, played a role in what the MSM has been providing as information for decades.
I'm science based and do not believe in god or any gods but I want those that do believe to be able to have the freedom to go to church and everything they want to do. I want to be able to not be preached to and nobody ever bugs me about religion so it's good.
Differences are part of what helps create new things in life. Differences should never divide us. No matter what race or political party, we should be able to agree that the government and MSM does not have good intentions for us.
Much of this has been going on for thousands of years, in some shape or form. Many people have not been woken up to this until during recent years for for some it may be a bit of a shock and not easy to completely believe.
I've always liked learning history but learning real history, not the fake history that gets pushed by government. None of this is new to me but is new to many. Things are not as bad as they seem because this has been going on for a long time but now it's simply more out in the open without being hidden.
Things will get better because by nature, humans will unite and overcome things thrown at them in attempt to destroy them. Many people all over the world are on our side, on Trump's side also.
For me, things may be different since I don't have to deal with the craziness going on because I live in FL. I see plenty of it on video to know what's going on though. People should not allow liberals or government to fuck up their lives though.
Explain to me in science again about evolution. I want to know more about evolving from pond scum and can you show examples of evolution today? Are apes still evolving into higher beings? Will a new lung fish slither up on shore and become a new class of mammal?
Science is definitely not always right, that is for sure. Science does attempt to make sense of things with evidence though that can be proven and repeated. Religion is more of a blind faith, blind trust thing and I've never been one to have faith in things or trust in others.
My life has been a life without help from anyone, started working when I was 16 and still went to school and did everything right. Currently 42 and living in south FL enjoying the tropical state and here lately FL seems to be one of the states providing the most freedoms still.
I won't tell anyone that god is not real because I do not know if god is real or not. I simply choose to believe god is not real, that there are no higher powers, higher beings.
For the sake of conversation though, let's say heaven and hell were real. A person should not have to lower themselves to worship anyone or anything to have a better eternal life. Being a good, kind, person in life should be what's most important.
I just don't believe in a life after death. I believe we are no better than any of the animals on this planet. I believe we're not special aside from being far more evolved and more self aware. Being self aware is what makes people question things.
People are typically afraid to die because death is an unknown. If heaven is not real then dying would be like going to sleep without dreams to never wake up again.
I believe eventually technology will answer these questions but until then people have to choose to believe in something, have faith in something, or choose not to. I've never bowed to anyone, never worshiped anyone, never will and if that's a bad thing then so be it but I've lived life free as can be and always will.
I probably would be in big trouble if I were in one of the places being ruined by liberals like Portland though. My tolerance for criminals, riots, fake protests etc is pretty much nonexistent. Here in FL it's legal to run over a protester with your car if you feel threatened, FL is truly different from many states currently.
Everything we have been taught is a lie to sow doubts just like you have. Everything we see hear feel touch is programed by something that does not have our best interests in mind.
That's what the great awakening is all about, finding the truth, and science isn't truth or anything like truth.
Truth requires fact, religion is faith which isn't fact, science is theory which isn't fact. Sometimes the truth can be a mere opinion because none of us know the real truth of life.
We can speculate based on science, technology, religion, etc but speculation doesn't make any of it true. I've never been one to trust what I'm told so the cabal and such, I've known about for decades.
Some believe we live in a simulation because of how advanced technology is but I don't believe it's a simulation. Lots of people want to find greater meaning in life but there's little proof to say there is more to life than the one life we're guaranteed a chance at living.
Nah, we evolved from "aliens". And not the illegal sort.