I was reading a ZeroHedge report from a Hedge Fund guy, “People work in order to convert their time into a unit of account,” he said. “We call that money, and it’s an invention that allows us to store time.” interesting way of thinking of it, as someone who trades their time for money daily, made me think of the movie, "In Time" with time as a unit of currency, so I looked up the writer, Andrew Niccol, and his other scripts. Gattaca (1997) Natural born man overcomes his limitations in a society of genetically modified humans. The Truman Show (1998) Man discovers his whole life is actually a reality TV show. S1m0ne (2002) A film Producer decides to digitally create an actress to substitute for the star. Lord of War (2005) An arms dealer forced to confront the morality of his work. In Time (2011) Welcome to a world where time has become the ultimate currency. Good Kill (2014) A family man begins to question the ethics of his job as a drone pilot. Anon (2018) The government requires that everyone receive an ocular implant that records everything they see except for "The Girl." She has no identity, no history and is invisible to the cops. Just found it interesting because I'm questioning what I once believed to be true and how I am using (investing) my time, and how much the Government / Banks want to supervise (dictate) every little thing you do ......https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/hedge-fund-cio-some-point-through-inflation-war-or-confiscation-system-will-restart. .....https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0629272/?ref_=tt_ov_wr#director
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Niccol was red pilling us before this was a thing. Gotta catch up after "Lord of War", thanks for the post.
Good post. Not a huge fan of Gattaca, mostly due to the direction. But I liked the story, and when it came out I remember it really resonating with my peer group - still does in fact.
Looks like he's got a broad range of topics, all related to "Us". Going to check out In Time and Anon at the very least. Though I suspect the arms dealer and drone pilot ones have some important thoughts on the subject.
Ashamed to say, I've never seen The Truman Show!