335K 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know, just noticing how light skinned all the immigrants in the videos are. Can't even report factually. The MSM is so incredibly racist, I mean this without irony.

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

This all seems the most realistic, but I don't know... The whole wicked temple does need to be brought down, and I don't see how you can do so without the Awakening process being fed Truth.

In my day to day I'm coming into ever increasing conversation that is beginning to border on what has been labeled "anti semetic", and I'm not the one bringing it up. Using myself as radar (appreciate your antenna comment), the buzz of consciousness is much higher than at the start of the year. I personally have been keeping up with far less information than I used to, but from all appearances the non-Q folks are being fed some pretty difficult information these days... God bless them.

I guess it depends on how far the drip, drip, flood goes. Perhaps the people will be ready to publicly execute the Satanic child killing traitors. As far as "dignity", war is war. God was perfectly OK decimating the wicked in the past.

Also, love the use of "lampin'". 😎

335K 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm a huge fan of jdownloader2. Very robust free software.

And sorry about your Goodness of God loss. I'm personally very bad at actually finding media on archive.org but perhaps you could search there.

335K 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when you were first at a crossroads regarding this guy here in GC... Seems like things have worked out. Congrats. o7

335K 5 points ago +5 / -0

That sucks, I love pepesee. 😶

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

Check the sidebar of the site; there's some custom images available to use. Not sure if GAW enables user images in comments. You may have to upload the file somewhere like catbox.moe and provide a link.

335K 2 points ago +2 / -0

You'll be a great Grandfather Mr_A. Congratulations and blessings. 🙏❤️

335K 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ah man, hang in there. 🙏❤️

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't this his campaign now?

335K 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was also disappointed, but I guess it is what it is: a morning presser after what I'm sure was a grueling few days.

Captbobbles makes a salient point about the gag order as well, as does henrythered about timing.

In fact, the process of reading these comments and thinking it through while replying makes me feel a bit better. We the People wanted fire and brimstone, and didn't really get it.... But that's ok. He was calm and moving forward.

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn't allow me to click the comments. Using mobile, but same results switching to desktop mode. Never had luck with any of this since nitter got neutered. Shame.

335K 3 points ago +3 / -0

1984 is a page turner. Shouldn't take long to read.

335K 6 points ago +6 / -0

I do like her faith in God, but without context it's hard for me to really judge this. Kind of sounds like she could be calling out fake DEI type pandering. Who knows, don't know her and the video is presenting incomplete.

335K 3 points ago +4 / -1

That helps, thank you. 🤗

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