Hey guys,
I'm noticing a lot of people repeating articles posted by fake news shills.
Remember, there is tons of deep state controlled opposition out there, as well as a number of independent shills just looking to capitalize on clickbait.
Be discerning when gathering information from independent sources to avoid getting bad information. Just because they're outside the mega-corporate / deep state cabal doesn't necessarily mean they're trustworthy, accurate, or even real journalists.
BEWARE of websites that match too many of the following characteristics, and proceed with a lot of caution. Websites that:
- Are small, obscure websites, yet claim to have lots of access to the justice dept, military intelligence, white house, etc.
- Makes tons of outrageous claims that are either not picked up by any other independent media outlets, or shared only within a small network of other equally dubious websites.
- Only uses statements or intel from anonymous sources, never talks to anyone who will reveal their true name or come on camera.
- Never cites any written, picture, audio, or video sources of any kind - no pictures, no audio, no documents, no video, no nothing.
- Talk about other conspiracy nonsense which is obviously total quackery, like flat earth theory.
I'm sorry guys but 90% of the time these websites are total bullshit. Please use some discernment. Remember, even supposed ex-cia, ex-navy seal, ex-whatever agents may still be faking their credentials or acting as controlled opposition just to shill some clickbait for a quick buck (looking at you, Michael Jaco).
Or other websites like Real Raw News. I know you all are salivating at the thought of Hillary Clinton having already been arrested and suffering adrenochrome withdrawals in Guantanamo Bay... but I'm gonna need some more convincing that this kind of intel is actually accurate before I just take it at face value.
They need to be able to connect logical points between verifiable pieces of data we can actually prove. Quality of evidence matters.
We all know these people are up to no good, and we all know the mainstream corporate news lies like hell, but that's no excuse to just believe every random insane claim you see on the internet at face value.
Please sticky this thread for public education if you don't mind, thanks.
Kind of like the National Enquirer for the Men in Black lol