More GME Divide and Conquer
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Just like what happened to r/WallStreetBets at the end of January over the weekend in r/GME suddenly the main mods got booted by new mods with a suspicious statement that they voluntarily stepped down and dissenters are getting banned. They're already reforming at r/SuperStonk and confirming that they were forced out, even the daily due diligence thread at r/GME got deleted this morning. Looks like another wake up call for those redditors.
They are but not GME. GME might be the only sure thing in life after death and taxes.
GME cant be stopped it will trigger the largest short squeeze in world history and it will rip a domino effect in the entire financial market.
How can they be so sure? Can we really know that the banks/hedgefunds will not screw over the stockholders? They are now shorting the US treasury bonds.
The hedgefunds and some banks are already bankrupt in unrealized loses its the SEC and DTCC the retail traders have to worry about and this is the is the best part see when millions retail traders get rich they will have to pay alot of capital gains taxes so US government would like that. Then we got the DTCC and the Feds they would defiantly protect their own ass however they have to allow it to play it out. They can not screw the retail traders because this has gone international. If they did that the US financial market would collapse because no1 would ever invest in US again.
Sounds good. But, wouldn't more people wake up if the retail traders got screwed over? Would they not see how fucked up the stock market is? I mean the media all around the world will blame this on the retail traders and I am not so sure if the Feds or DTCC really cares. They let this go this far. Sorry for being a bit pessimistic, but I really hope the little guys win this time. Cheers
it would but that cant be allowed to happen. Everything would collapse so US government will never allow that to happen.
But dont worry the red pill on the general population when GME goes to the moon will be gigantic. Remember the general population has been told by the media the squeeze is over so when it happen a lot of question will be asked. GME is truly the great awakening
We will all get screwed over when it squeezes.
Once the common man gets rich, pulls money from market, and starts spending...the clock starts ticking on hyperinflation.
Hyperinflation is the single greatest way of redistributing wealth on the scale this country needs. Outstanding debts are effectively reduced, and cash value is effectively reduced.