Never has been even the slightest sign its Ron, and you should take fake-news trying to push this angle as essentially confirmation its false. Not they have any motivation to publish the truth even if they knew it.
Look at all the attacks people like hotwheels aka fred brennan have tried against 8ch over and over, hacking first, then attacks against their registrars and hosting providers, then against the DDOS mitigators like vanwa, and then dropping slander at every venue eager to eat up whatever line of BS fred is pushing. Is a whirlwind of tangled up liars and bullshitters all motivated to hype up fantasy material ever going to get to the truth, even by accident?
So casting shade at Jim & Ron is the latest destroy-8ch gambit.
Q has emphasized from the very beginning that things are handled the way they are because hats the legal path - classified info cant be revealed, but questions can be asked that lead the thoughtful people down paths that are constructive in revealing what must be bought to the light. Bringing in foreign and overseas assets to a military intel counterinsurgency insider team and posture pretty clearly violates the Q premise.
Even if you put forward the premise that Q is lawless and treasonous, and therefore dont care about legalities getting in the way (in a sense a duplicate CIA), why even then bring in IT system people from the far side of the world? What skills does this bring to the table? Rather than say, ex spies, defense contractors, mercenaries with military backgrounds, etc. Wouldn't they pull strings and blackmail/bribe/threaten microsoft, google, IBM, apple, fb insiders etc? Doesn't even make sense.
Never has been even the slightest sign its Ron, and you should take fake-news trying to push this angle as essentially confirmation its false. Not they have any motivation to publish the truth even if they knew it.
Look at all the attacks people like hotwheels aka fred brennan have tried against 8ch over and over, hacking first, then attacks against their registrars and hosting providers, then against the DDOS mitigators like vanwa, and then dropping slander at every venue eager to eat up whatever line of BS fred is pushing. Is a whirlwind of tangled up liars and bullshitters all motivated to hype up fantasy material ever going to get to the truth, even by accident?
So casting shade at Jim & Ron is the latest destroy-8ch gambit.
Q has emphasized from the very beginning that things are handled the way they are because hats the legal path - classified info cant be revealed, but questions can be asked that lead the thoughtful people down paths that are constructive in revealing what must be bought to the light. Bringing in foreign and overseas assets to a military intel counterinsurgency insider team and posture pretty clearly violates the Q premise.
Even if you put forward the premise that Q is lawless and treasonous, and therefore dont care about legalities getting in the way (in a sense a duplicate CIA), why even then bring in IT system people from the far side of the world? What skills does this bring to the table? Rather than say, ex spies, defense contractors, mercenaries with military backgrounds, etc. Wouldn't they pull strings and blackmail/bribe/threaten microsoft, google, IBM, apple, fb insiders etc? Doesn't even make sense.