...when you inform a newly vax’d person of the CV19 serum that 3 of the 4 are not actually “vaccines” but, MRNA (gene therapy). I felt bad when I saw the look on his face, the embarrassment that followed was uncomfortable when they realized what they did. He was angry he wasn’t able to get the J&J offering after this conversation. It was a painful talk but, necessary. People need to be informed. Doctors shouldn’t offer it to unknowing patients as if it was a flu shot. Ill keep doing my part.
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Really?? Good to know. Have to correct the neighbor who was telling me about it being not a big deal. Hosp admin so I THOUGHT she knew what she was talking about. My fault for making that silly assumption!
Same end result. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine.html
They are using a modified virus to inject DNA that will then produce the mRNA and it is not much if any better then the other poisons. You will still have women sterilized, and just wait for next flu season. Remember the last time they tried this shit ALL the test animals died when exposed to the virus in the wild.
Dont try being sarcastic, you are not good at it.
I wasn't being sarcastic at all. Meant that sincerely. It IS good to know and I appreciate the info. I was joking about me being foolish to trust a hospital admin person. I am anti-vax in general. No flu shots. Ever. And haven't had the flu in ten years. Oregano oil and a massive dose of C kill of any sign of a cold/flu before it ever takes hold.
Oh my bad. All of those gene therapy shots are poison. I was talking to a guy today and he took the 1st shot. I tried to talk him out of the second one. He kept going "they would not give it to people if it was not safe". He did look a little concerned when I told him that they skipped animal trials because the last time all the animals died or that it is considered experimental and doesnt have fda approval because no safety trials took place and he is the trial.
I wish him luck.
Yeah. I do not get it. Some people are so brainwashed they simply cannot alter their perception long enough to even consider info that threatens their stability and comfort.