Allow me to break down the disgustingly unscientific witchcraft known as "PCR" testing - the occult mumbo-jumbo that has led to 'huge advancements in the medical community', cost innocent men their lives and spawned retarded bullshit such as muH WyPipO caMe frOm aFfRicA.
So what is this sophistry in a nutshell? Basically, PCR takes a sample of DNA, then "copies" a segment enough times to be able to be "analyzed". Lol. You will see just how mentally retarded this is in a moment.
Ever scrambled an egg before? Notice how it goes from liquid to solid as you cook it? That's because the protein is being broken down by heat and randomly recombining with the disheveled bits and pieces of protein to form a coagulated jumbled mass. This is called Denaturation.
In a similar way, the PCR test denatures the nucleic acid bonds of DNA- separating the double helix into two strands using heat. Along with this slurry of denatured DNA strands are 'primers' and nucleotides. If the Witch performs the Ritual correctly- this slurry cools and the primers and nucleotides recombine with the denatured strands to 'duplicate' the original DNA. This heating and cooling is repeated over and over until 'billions' of copies of this segment are present in the sample so that it can be "analyzed".
You're going to find out just how fucking stupid this is.
Okay- imagine you're at a crime scene. A man's wife has been murdered and Investigators want to find out if the husband committed the crime. They can't find any evidence that he committed the crime and can't detect a single fingerprint anywhere, so they devise an ingenious test to prove his guilt: they take a section of his fingerprint and place it all over the place.
They then dust fingerprint powder on the print section. Powder sticks to the print, and they keep dusting more powder on until its the full size of a fingerprint. The investigators repeat this over and over- all over the walls, the tables, chairs. Millions upons millions of fingerprints are recreated. Sometimes the powder clings to the ends of the powder lines and kinda recreates a full fingerprint... sometimes it doesn't stick. Sometimes it makes weird shapes and patterns. The forensics team then measures the length of these fingerprints. Several million are half an inch long, several million are 1 inch long. And... Bingo! Several million are .75 inches long- the EXACT length of the husbands original fingerprint! He is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without parole.
The primers mixed in the PCR slurry are LITERALLY segments of the DNA they are trying to duplicate in the process! just like STARTING with a segment of a man's fingerprint to FIND his fingerprint. Denatured strands of DNA are broken into pieces- some aren't fully separated- some combine with other DNA strands in twisted and partial ways, some merge with nucleotides and form hybrid patterns...(remember the scrambled eggs?) just like dusting fingerprint powder over partial fingerprint segments and hoping they KINDA-SORTA resemble a full print!
And to top it all the fuck off... after heating and cooling, denaturing and recombining this random slurry of nucleic shit for FOUR HOURS...they measure THE LENGTH of the DNA segment end products. THE LENGTH!!! It's called gel electrophoresis and it separates DNA strands based on their LENGTH by running electrical current through a gel. The DNA segments then clump together based on GROUPS of length and if one of those kinda-sorta matches "covid-19" segments length you are 100% infected and are sentenced to life without parole.
How many innocent men have been jailed over this quackery? How many Father's were forced to pay child support for kids that weren't theirs? This is NOT science. It's WITCHCRAFT!!
Yep this is exactly how they do it:
"The copy process begins by separating the double-stranded DNA – simply by turning up the heat. As the solution cools, the primers bind to single-stranded DNA, making two copies of the original. We repeat this process (heating and cooling the DNA and the primers) 28 times, making millions of copies of tiny DNA fragments that can now be detected and viewed by a special machine called a genetic analyzer.
Scientists refer to this ‘biological copy machine’ process as Polymerase Chain Reaction, or PCR."