Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. Lecture from FEMA Whistleblower:
If this is true it would have to work in conjunction with the vaccine. Because I had the brain test in November and I can still think for myself. But I have not had the vaccine. I had to have surgery though so I needed testing.
From the things I've come across some have mentioned it works in conjunction with 5g networks. Which is going into the conspiracy realm. The possibilities and technology is there but the question is, is it true?
I hope you are right. Both of my daughters work for Lowes and had to be tested because of exposure to COVID. Both are right-wingers and refuse to have the vax. They also detest wearing the masks but in order to keep their jobs they wear them. I have been worried about my girls getting those tests, though. So I hope you are correct it needs to work in conjunction with the vaccine.
I guess we will all find out in due time, but I prefer to hope for the best!!