Red Pill Gold!
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Hi Folks,
These videos are collections of screencaps of The Ant Hill Mob speaking on The White House YouTube channel.
Preserved before the comments are turned off. I have also been able to catch many comments as they are being posted before they are deleted in real time.
Very important thoughts and words of real Americans on a neutral platform.
Worth taking the time to read, and definitely something to pass on to the uninformed.
Please view on as large a screen as possible and pause as necessary.
Thanks for watching.
Thank you : WOW was it only us writing those comments ..that was awesome .. Thank you for doing this for us ..really appreciate it ..my life does not allow me to catch anything real-time accept the real time life stuff that I’m constantly swinging at..this is great to read ..blesses my heart After having to read those sicko comments because the real President had a bottle of possible Coke on his desk..thanks again
Thanks very much for the kind words.