posted ago by NanaQ45 ago by NanaQ45 +51 / -0

No matter your skin color, if you love America, freedom, American values, or the American dream, YOU are a WHITE SUPREMACIST!

It's the only way they can actually attack the country. They CAN'T openly hate America and be in office, so they change word definitions to vilify.

In all reality, these folks have lost any semblance of touch with their own humanity. They can't be wrong, ever. They can't look inside themselves to heal the empty void. They have no God or morals and kill indiscriminately...aka abortion as birth control.. They must kill and vilify anyone who makes them feel their own internal issues. They have become the opposite of Live....they are Evil.

M. Scott Peck nails it in his book...THE PEOPLE OF THE LIE. Check it out. Fascinating.