Fear porn is unsubstantiated. Once Alex Jones got the SPARS data he was able to go back through journals to find the process has been discussed for 10 years. Why do you wish people not look into this?
I neither wish, nor not wish that people watch that. Each person has their own mind, and can make their own decision. All I know is that there is so much fear porn out there whether it’s from our side or their side. I choose not to indulge. By all means expose yourself To as much Fear porn as you would like. Overtime it does have a negative affect. Being informed is one thing, but being beat down by negativity can make a person sick. But only an individual can choose for themselves what they want. It’s not up to me.
Fear porn
Fear porn is unsubstantiated. Once Alex Jones got the SPARS data he was able to go back through journals to find the process has been discussed for 10 years. Why do you wish people not look into this?
I neither wish, nor not wish that people watch that. Each person has their own mind, and can make their own decision. All I know is that there is so much fear porn out there whether it’s from our side or their side. I choose not to indulge. By all means expose yourself To as much Fear porn as you would like. Overtime it does have a negative affect. Being informed is one thing, but being beat down by negativity can make a person sick. But only an individual can choose for themselves what they want. It’s not up to me.