He is telling us what we all have been saying for the last year. This covid outbreak is a simulation to push vaccines. The outline was written on how to censor doctors, anti-vaxxers by banning them on social media. Mainstream media pushing fake statistics and using globalist fake doctors and fact checkers to keep everyone confused. It was all written, you can see the different stages playing out in real time. When the deaths from vaccinated start to become reality they will push another vaccine and rinse / repeat. I know Alex Jones has a questionable history but he knocks this one out of the park. I highly suggest you watch it and encourage your family and friends to do the same.
Here is the Alex Jones video. https://www.infowars.com/posts/emergency-saturday-broadcast-world-shocked-by-spars-2025-2028-document/
Here is the 89 page PDF they refer to throughout this entire video. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/pubs_archive/pubs-pdfs/2017/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf
Here is the video of Flynn asking you watch this video, go to the 26:30 mark. https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/patriot/general-flynn-general-mcinerney-warn-the-american-people-about-irregular-warfare-happening-now-in-america/
This first vaccine is all just been about the new human ID system and setting the narrative. This isn't their kill shot.
Yeah its somewhat of a trial run. They were geared up to do it and Israel has a large population and respect for Big Science. These leaders aren't lining them. up to be dead right now, that comes later. They want people to see this choice for citizens be the way forward towards normality so they will kill the cases and pandemic at some point. They want us to think it equals freedom when its really a plan for enslavement.
No. People get it confused with nanoparticles which is a scary way of saying its emulsified in lipids and frozen at super low temperatures to deliver this mRNA into the body, If they have that it will be administered in a much different fashion. Not just the mass drive up sites.
The globalists do not care who they kill, they prefer everyone die. These billionaires will push the depopulation game plan in every country around the planet, no one is safe.
agreed. They still need more power and leverage though first before they could pull of a huge population decrease. It is coming way more hidden then the vaccine or disease right now though. We are primed for food shortages and poverty/crime/drugs right now than the virus or vaccine. Those methods are much easier to hide behind and people are waking up to the true origin of this virus. Its early escape before they could prepare it for at the lab fucked up their plans and rollout much more then people know. We cannot abandon this important and uniting red pill fact.