"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Just leaving this here. It's so simple. It's our 2nd amendment.
The way I read it is, the "gun control" was meant for the government, not the people.
I get told by libtards "if you get cut off on the road and have a gun, it raises the chances of you reaching for the gun and turning an annoying event into a deadly event."
I say "Actually it sounds like more guns is going to make driving a lot safer!"
Now...hold up...
I've actually had a nerf firefight with my wife over where to eat... I set up a bunker at the bottom of the stairs.
Send help.
They can only project how much they don't trust themselves. Now if I had a helicopter on the other hand I would be dropping commies left and right. But that's neither here nor there.