Holy shitballs! If the vax is the bio weapon...
We may be a country without doctors soon. All the front line and essential workers that are being pressured into or are so trusting of our ever so trustworthy swamp government are going to drop dead and leave us without basic needs. We’ll be easy pickings when that happens. Don’t just stockpile food and water. Get all sorts of medicine and get as many medical journals and books. We should have a datahoarders.win where we can get her and share all the books and instruction manuals we may need when the SHTF.
I have many health issues and am I fact legally disabled. The dr that has cared fir me through most if this insisted I go in or she would discontinue my meds. She is a do BTW. I told her assistant to go ahead and cancel them. That I don’t trust anyone in the medical field right now. They have set a telehealth appt for the 22nd since I told them I will not com into the office as long as they are firing the mask and they don’t allow anyone in tithe appt with me. It’s going to be a good long time before I trust anyone in the medical profession. Their job is to first do no harm.
I'm in the same boat. I am not even seeing my Naturopath now, she actually wore a face shield at my last appointment telling me they work. Unbelievable. If I can find a naturopath that refuses the mask and all this bullcrap, I may consider it. Otherwise, I know what to eat, which supplements to take, exercise daily, and homeopathic remedies, such as colloidal silver, vit d, c, zinc, all the vit bs, and so many drugs that should be repurposed for this current situation, and even cure cancer. Panacur C (antihelminthic agent, prevents sugar absorption by cancer/tumor cells inducing apoptosis) , Bio-available curcumin and cbd/thc oil. Not a doctor, just did my own research and taking these items myself with success in managing autoimmune disorders I received (most likely from all the mandatory vax in the Army). God bless everyone on their journeys to health/wellness, and let's keep sharing our success stories outside of standard "medical" care. Cheers! Again, not a doctor and not giving medical advice, just sharing what works for me.
WTG! We patriots are thinking ahead!
Take care not to confuse homeopathy -- which is a very effective medical science -- with supplements like vitamins and non-homeopathically-formulated herbs. You can find out a little bit about homeopathy at homeopathy dot org/about-homeopathy/
Homeopathy is much safer than pharmacidicals, affordable, and it works. Best to use with the guidance of a very experienced homeopathy professional.
I read that the only form of a hemp/cannabinol that is truly safe is Delta 8. Contains no THC at all. The marijuana that's on the market has reportedly been genetically modified over the years so the THC is very high -- but CBD is so low as to be almost not in the plant at all.
The whole plant, which contains over 400 cannabidiols, is the key. THC is just one cannabinoid (which does have medicinal properties, including apoptosis of cancer/tumor cells). When "science" tries to isolate just one cannabinoid and push it off as medicine, it's not near as effective as the whole plant with over 400 cannabinoids designed to work synergistically.