Holy shitballs! If the vax is the bio weapon...
We may be a country without doctors soon. All the front line and essential workers that are being pressured into or are so trusting of our ever so trustworthy swamp government are going to drop dead and leave us without basic needs. We’ll be easy pickings when that happens. Don’t just stockpile food and water. Get all sorts of medicine and get as many medical journals and books. We should have a datahoarders.win where we can get her and share all the books and instruction manuals we may need when the SHTF.
doctors were indoctrinated beyond belief in med school and also while working. They are some of the people on earth who least question authority. I've learned that in life people don't have any authority except what you give them. Now cops you have to tread lightly and fake stroke their ego but even those idiots can be manipulated.