Holy shitballs! If the vax is the bio weapon...
We may be a country without doctors soon. All the front line and essential workers that are being pressured into or are so trusting of our ever so trustworthy swamp government are going to drop dead and leave us without basic needs. We’ll be easy pickings when that happens. Don’t just stockpile food and water. Get all sorts of medicine and get as many medical journals and books. We should have a datahoarders.win where we can get her and share all the books and instruction manuals we may need when the SHTF.
“Medicine” is part of our problem. We have been overmedicated with drugs that do NOT fix the root cause of the problem. Instead they mask symptoms, but also in many cases cause nasty side effects, and then you need more pills to deal with the side effects, etc etc.
Many herbs are powerful medicines.
Just ONE example: Oil of oregano is a natural and very potent antibiotic, antiviral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal. Any time I feel any hint of a cold/flu coming I take a dropperful in water plus 10,000mg of Vit C and I am fine the next morning.
Doc after doc told me I needed pain management and thyroid meds for life. Screw that! I did my own research, did a three month candida detox diet (grass fed beef, green leafy veg, avocado, olive oil and butter) and my whole system reset to normal for the first time in 20 years. (I also lost 17 lbs as a result despite all the delish steaks and burger salads.) Now I know what foods help and which ones to avoid for my body.
Learn to boost your immune system with clean whole food (unprocessed, organic, grass fed meat, no GMOs, etc) and figure out what your body needs. The big push toward veganism is another attack on our natural immune function. Many people do much better on a carnivore or paleo diet. Cholesterol is NOT the issue, nor saturated fats.
Sorry for the rant.
Medicine is not really the problem. Studies on our different medicines, drugs, exogenous molecules, molecular biohacking, whatever you want to call them (they are all identical) are incredibly informative and can easily lead to a golden age in health. But they haven't and they don't. Why not?
The problem is that these molecules we give to ourselves, no matter the source (herb, lab designed, or even the molecules we call food) are tools. Our method of study is also a tool. Tools are not evil. But because the topic is so complex, it is incredibly easy to hijack these tools and use them for evil purposes.
There's also the money potential, which dwarfs every other industry. People will pay ANYTHING to stay alive and healthy.
The only real problem with "medicine" is that the Luciferians have completely hijacked our food and drug information systems, distribution systems, creation systems, etc. for evil purposes.
I've been studying this particular problem for over a decade. I kept putting my finger on the problems in our medical/nutritional systems, but every time I did the path out of the problem was so obvious. I was never able to figure out why it was ever a problem to begin with. Everything was just so frickin obvious!
Every time I would come up with a reason (like money/greed e.g.) I would see the solution (free market and information, regulatory reform). It wasn't until I finally woke up and understood who really ran the world, and what their motivations were that it all started to make sense. I finally understood why the problems only got worse and never better with such obvious solutions that almost everyone knew.
Once the Luciferians are gone, I think we will enter a golden age of medicine if for no other reason that we will be allowed to solve the problems we already have the solutions for. If we also have hidden technologies (which I find likely), fuggedaboutit.
Yes!! 1,000,000% THIS!!^^^
Sliver and HighFrequency are two very based individuals, I seem to always get great info from them. Thank you Team!???????????????