Holy shitballs! If the vax is the bio weapon...
We may be a country without doctors soon. All the front line and essential workers that are being pressured into or are so trusting of our ever so trustworthy swamp government are going to drop dead and leave us without basic needs. We’ll be easy pickings when that happens. Don’t just stockpile food and water. Get all sorts of medicine and get as many medical journals and books. We should have a datahoarders.win where we can get her and share all the books and instruction manuals we may need when the SHTF.
I struggle with that also. Seriously, so many people who are awake to the deep state/cabal/child sex trafficking on board with this vax, many citing Trump's encouragement to take the vax. I don't know why Trump is encouraging Americans to take the vax, if they want it. I fall back to biblical teachings, in which the bible clearly states in several books to avoid Pharmacia--it's from the fallen ones. Pharmacia in Greek means sorcery. And of course, modern medicine is sorcery, it's not healing nor restorative. God gave us all the medicines we need, all found in the plants provided to us. I served in the military in medical MOS, our insignia for our uniforms was the caduceus . Now I understand what the double helix -wrapped serpents mean, and feel so gullible for being deceived by this.