Help! WV compulsory school vaccination!
Hey Frens! Recently relocated to WV, and discovered that WV has no personal choice or religious exemption. Compulsory school vaccinations. I have a 5 and 8 year old boy who I have so far been able to dodge the state mandated jabs. But I am running out of room to maneuver here. Does anyone know a sympathetic family Dr. in WV? Or a vaccine rights activist organization I could contact for help? They start school next fall, and I am absolutely disgusted that I am being forced, essentially at gun point to stick my kids with aluminum and mercury adjuvants. So Un-American. Thank you for any help and advice!
If I may ask, what county are you in? I live in Morgan co and haven't heard of this. Maybe it's just certain areas??
But yes, if you can I would home school. I'm starting after this school year is out.
Harrison County. I spoke with the Dept of Ed. Yesterday and she got all defensive when I asked about exemptions. Practically tripped over herself trying to hang up on me.
Wow, didn't think WV would be against exemptions. Hope you find a doctor willing to help you out.
pretty sure you can opt to not take one made from aborted fetal cells. They will have a hard time finding any to give you because they all use them