Download an app for the sex offender registry and see how many average offenders there are scattered around your neighborhood and city. Thousands.
There are 18 million Millionaires and 800 billionaires in the United States alone. Do you think there are no pedophiles among the wealthy? This is big business. There are people willing to abduct and sell children and there are people willing to pay for them. Pedophilia is the real pandemic.
"Affluenza defense." Look it up. Sick, rich fuckers abusing women and children is a very old, well known fact. Affluenza disease.
Thank you for teaching me this, and holy shit. "The wealthy feel they have earned their way into a social class with superior intellect and talent, and as a result, rules of society that apply to other people do not apply to them"
In June 2016, a Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting a female student on campus received a six-month jail sentence. While reading the sentence and justifying its leniency, the judge in the case stated a prison term "would have a severe impact on" the defendant.
"Du Pont heir dodged prison for raping 3-year-old daughter after judge ruled he 'would not fare well' behind bars."