posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +265 / -1

Viruses naturally attenuate towards becoming less lethal and more transmissible, that is how Pandemics like these end. I have naturally recovered, by you choosing to get this experimental treatment you are introducing evolutionary selective pressure for a more virulent pathogen with mechanisms for evading the human immune system. Your actions will proliferate variant strains and are extending this pandemic from this already endemic trajectory. Your decision to participate in these experimental trials will lead to a further postponement for me to return to work and is fortifies government over-reach that infringes upon my rights of freedom to travel and exist as a private citizen. You are complicit with manufacturing further risk to the 100+ Million fellow Americans who are naturally immune and hurt the efficacy of life-saving treatments such as monoclonal antibodies that have prevented thousands of deaths.