Alex jones calling Q fake kinda freaks me out.
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Q is the one that said AJ is Mossad-controlled.
Q knows more than you. You follow a man who regularly attacked Q . Q said straight out that AJ is actually FUNDED by Mossad. If you're going to contribute on a Q research board you might want to actually study Q posts.
I've been looking for that Q post for over an hour but can't seem to find it. Do you have a link? Also, I noticed that Q said to trust Gen. Flynn, but the General just went on a podcast and bragged about how awesome AJ is, and how he is to be trusted. Q also said there is no such thing as QAnon or Anons, yet constantly refers to us as Anons. So which is it?
Jones is labelled as AJ in Q posts. I have to head out for a bit but can dig them later up if you can't find them.
Q said there are anons and there is Q. There is no QAnon. The media says "Qanon". A lot of people got into the habit of using that moniker, but it was NEVER a Q thing. There is Q. There are anons.
You're right. I misread the post about anons. It also says "not all anons are authentic." I think that's what got me. But then there's this: Post 2102-
"Control and Divide.
Think Mueller.
What happens if Mueller 'proves' 'Free Speech Systems LLC' aka 'InfoWars' is linked to a Foreign Intel Agency or other Non_Domestic entity?
How can the 'LEFT' use that information to DIVIDE and CENSOR the RIGHT? Why are affiliates of InfoWars constantly attacking 'Q'?
Who is pulling the strings?
[ ]>>>[Free Speech Systems LLC]
Since we know Mueller is a fraud, this sounds like Q was telling us that the DS would try to "prove" that Infowars is foreign-controlled, thus making it easier to divide the right. It doesn't sound like Q is saying AJ is a foreign asset, but rather that Mueller and the DS would try to make it look that way. If so, it seems to be working.
Q flat out said that AJ is Mossad-funded, so yeah. Unfortunately the guy is compromised at best and completely at one with the Deep State at worst.
Used to like him - despite the histrionics. I know that bothers some people but it never bothered me. Even resisted the notion that Mossad controls him. But as I watched the whole debacle play out it became every obvious. Oh well.