Alex jones calling Q fake kinda freaks me out.
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Alex Jones is an actor who is funded by Mossad, per Q.
If people read what Q said about that, why would they still think AJ is just some random colorful character who likes talking about conspiracy theories? He's a Mossad-controlled operative. A propagandist for a Deep State entity. He's feeding people THEIR narrative.
I'm wondering if people in this thread who are cheering for AJ perhaps don't understand that controlled opposition really IS FULLY controlled by the Cabal?
I've heard about that. I heard about the Edward Snowden being CIA thing too. I don't watch Alex Jones. The only segments I've seen are Steve Pieczenik's. I just get the impression that Alex Jones is for-profit and a lot of his personality is acting, since I heard he's pretty normal IRL.
Yep - Snowden doing what he did to benefit the CIA and bring about their pre-eminence and the destruction of the NSA, not because he just cared so much about the privacy of Americans. It was a clue to a lot of people when Hollywood began hyping Snowden as a hero.
Whenever the conversation moves to Snowden, that's all I've had to say "Hollywood loves him and did a movie in homage to him. Why is that?", and he instantly becomes suspect and NOT a hero anymore. Lotta people are getting to where they despise Hollywood.